Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Day 0

Have you ever said, where did that month go? Well me too. So I am going to start the do something different for 30 days every 30 days.

So where to start? It can be anything really you just need to make sure you do a new thing every 30 days.

I have been saying for around 3 months now I would like to get up out of bed early and start the day ready instead of getting out at the last minute and feeling like I need to rush because I am already behind.

So for my first 30 days starting in the morning I will get out of bed before 7am, this will give me an 1 1/2 hours before my day starts.

I have been thinking today of what other things I really wanted to do or scared of doing that I may add to my list.
- Eating anchovies (yuk what a horrible taste).
- Swimming in the swan river (ahh small narrow river + sharks, simple maths has kept me on this planet, until now).
-  Stretching twice a day. (this is going require some discipline).
- Video blogging. (I am terrible in front of a camera).